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Aston Cards

Aston Card comes with a number of attractive features. You can send money to anyone using the Aston Card app free of charge. You can also use the Aston card app and cards to pay bills, shop on-line and national & international transfers. There are plenty of loading options and it’s easy to manage your account from the mobile app.


Aston Card will soon be offering prepaid cards integrated directly with your Aston Card app account.


Aston Card makes it easy to send money to friends and family and if they have Aston Card app as well, you can send them money free and instant!


Download your free brochure today.

How we helped Aston Cards

Aston Cards begun their journey in 2019 looking to set alight the digital payments sector and required the professional help of The OB Group to assist in developing their digital brand and stage one funding. In the past year working alongside Aston Cards The OB Group has successfully raised £4.7 million from private investors into the Aston Cards government backed bond allowing clients to benefit from their initial investment and of course in turn helping Aston Cards develop the necessary infrastructure to take over the digital payments sector.

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The OB Group is not regulated by the FCA and does not provide investment, tax or pension advice. This content is provided for informational purposes only. Information on this website is not intended to be a solicitation of any kind. Nothing herein shall be construed as financial, tax, legal or accounting advice. Potential clients should consult their legal team, accountant or financial advisors before requesting the introduction of any product. if you are unsure of the terms or potential risk, please contact the necessary expert or professional. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance or returns.

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